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In my 15 years in the Teams I have been to numerous shooting schools and seen or attended several “hand to hand courses.” Dieters CQD is the only training that has endured the test of time and combat utility. This training is realistic, it works, promotes team work, is operationally sound for a variety of missions and helps to create a clear operational focus. – D.S.


Outstanding. This is the only training that I have ever received in the navy, or my life for that matter, that I will remember and benefit me as long as I live. I highly recommend this training to motivated personnel. – J.N.


Outstanding. First rate. This should be mandatory for all operators at this command. We should seriously consider recommending this to the community (spec war) as our hand to hand training. This course is the deal! – J.C.


Everyone should receive this training. Each man should get at least (minimum) two weeks of training annually. Standardized training throughout the NSW community (before arriving at *****) would also help move us to the next level. – T.V.


The training was great. I’m more confident and competent now than I have ever been in both my close shooting skills and prisoner control techniques. – Outstanding! The best training I’ve had in this field. – S.W.


CQD is by far the best form of operational and fighting skills I have experienced. This week far exceeds my expectations. – K.T.


This course is a “must have” for every **** operator every other month. – M.J.


Best shooting and fighting course I have ever attended or know about for our line of work. – G.P.


This is combat training. Total combat training! It related to everything I do to train for war. – This course should be incorporated into ***** Team and all operators should be brought up to speed ASAP! No matter what your experience level, you always have something to learn! This is how to fight and win in combat! – J.C.


As closely realistic as any training we get at this command. – W.D.


I’ve been in Spec war for nine years and this was the first time I’ve received formal training in dealing with prisoners. Excellent course! – B.O.


[Prisoner Control] Much more effective than what I previously learned. – [Weapon Retention] It’s definitely proven itself to be better than what I was previously taught in prior workups. – [Benefit the Teams?] It can give the Teams a standardized way of doing this and also give the knowledge and skills needed to improve CQB, prisoner handling. – K.K.

Excellent training. This training relates more to the combat type situation in a more realistic manner than anything else taught in the teams. I also feel more confident in my weapons handling and shooting ability. – G.P.


Blows away ***** and any other fighting skills taught in Spec War. – C.S.


Excellent and most realistic training I have been through. – P.G.


I am impressed with the system and the professionalism in which it is taught. This is the combat fighting system NSW needs. – G.P.


I feel this is the most beneficial 2 weeks I’ve ever had. – D.M.


Excellent. Best single block of training I’ve ever had. – S.P.


Outstanding. By far the best block of training I have ever been through in NSW. – D.H.


Excellent training. All team guys should have this type of training. – J.G.


Outstanding! Best defense training I have ever been taught. – S.M.


Excellent training. The most realistic I’ve had yet. – D.G.


Outstanding, glad that this has become an integral part of training. – R.D.


Superior to all other hand-to-hand/shooting schools previously attended. – T.W.


Good stuff. The best personal defense training I have ever received. – B.R.


I believe I will benefit from this training in all aspects of life! Thanks! – J.C.


Very valuable training for the SPECOPS community. – S.R.


I’ve had some training in the past but I don’t think any comes close to this system. It’s realistic and proven. Thanks Duane. – G.C.


Duane is the foremost reason we now have a high confidence level in every crowd movement, close contact operation. – M.J.

This is by far the best stuff I’ve ever done. There is nothing fancy about it; it is just straight forward combat fighting. – T.B.


I would recommend the 40 hour course for every operator at this command. – M.C.


The most realistic and applicable hand to hand/close quarters control course that I have attended. – Outstanding. – T.S.


This is the only training I know of that is a “total combat” course! Outstanding. – J.C.


Outstanding, by far the best block of training I have ever been through in NSW. – D.H.


All portions were beneficial and I honestly think that all have been responsible for making me a better warrior/husband/father. – R.L.


Great! Eye opening. Training should be taught to anyone who does ANY kind of SPECOPS work. – J.V.


Excellent, every **** Operator needs this! – I benefited from all, excellent for a wide variety of jobs. – M.J.


Pushing our training limits is what it is all about. This command has done itself a great service by incorporating Dieter principles. – M.L.


Outstanding. More time required. Let’s buy some gear and make this something we can do every day. – Excellent techniques very applicable. – J.H.


It will save my life one day!!!!! – M.B.


The best I’ve had. Have done the 40hr *****. This course makes much more sense and applies fully to our job. – H.M.

Right on target. The focus is geared toward the operator and the skills I need to dominate an adversary. Other courses (*****) did not have the operator orientation like this course. – B.T.


This course and these instructors are by far the most knowledgeable, prepared, and professional group of instructors I have ever come across. The course is extremely practical and very well thought out to cover all scenarios and possibilities. – Anonymous


Mr. Dieter has provided invaluable training to various elements of this Team for nearly five years. The techniques he teaches are proven and mission focused. His system complements our tactics, providing the operator with a greater ability to face a hostile threat in a CQB environment. More importantly, it provides the operator/team with an enhanced sense of control, focus, and confidence when faced with challenging situations, which could easily become chaotic. – T.V.


None of the 26 trainees had ever been instructed in a systematic way of PC. Making this course of instruction mandatory, will benefit the Assault Teams as well as the individuals. PC is one of the Actions at the Objective that we are so called experts. The command spends a good amount of money on martial arts training that benefits the individual in a non-tactical situation. I do not believe this benefits the command in its mission. – C.C.


Finally a fighting course that is applicable to what we do. – M.H.


Excellent techniques. Valuable, applicable tools. Length of COI needs to be increased. 2 – 3 weeks of full days and evening work. – K.H.


By putting us into realistic scenarios, the training comes home hard. The Tac-House drills and the vehicle work are invaluable. You are in a realistic environment that is not a set. Anything can happen. That’s how you learn! We need to learn more. – J.C.


Shooting skills make a lot more sense in a combative situation. Target ID and quicker shots at threat along with total safety at all times. My abilities are greatly enhanced. Outstanding! – Anonymous

Outstanding, the skills I’ve learned over the last 2 weeks were some of the best training ever. Very tactically sound. – D.H.


…This is the best system out there. – J.H.


Phenomenal – The best training I’ve received in any subject area. Simply put – you learn and retain. – Duane Dieter should be given the opportunity to instruct every person of high integrity, therefore ensuring the safety of themselves and their families from all foes… – S.C.


Excellent. Should have been doing it years ago at the other teams. – J.J.


Excellent training that pertains to our job. It is motivating and pertinent. “A MUST HAVE!” – J.J.


As a prisoner handling course the techniques taught were exceptional, however the most valuable information was that taught during the DDS theory portion. The ability to analyze future situations in the way DDS trains will be valuable in prisoner handling situations as well as hand to hand combat. – The only thing that can make this better is more time!! – M.B.


Dieter’s CQD is not typical “hand to hand” in substance purpose or attitude. It is to ensure our operators dominate the close contact fight, complete the mission and get home. – D.S.

Excellent. The most informative class I have ever been to. Everything was explained at a level in which everybody understands and wants to learn/listen. – I recommend this class be taken by everyone at the command. Most beneficial for “the mission.” “Two thumbs up.” – E.G.


I feel this training is invaluable and should be taught to all of the Teams. – I feel this course could be a few days longer too. – J.R.


The training was very practical and was easy to understand the reasons behind the techniques. – All the training was beneficial and the “in house” training helped me the most to strive harder to better my techniques. – I hope that in the future we will be able to return or get back together to continue training. – C.T.


The training was excellent from start to finish. The high point was the operational focus placed on the drills and tactics. Working with our gear in our operational environment. – T.V.


Very good. I would like to expand on these skills with follow-up courses up to instructor training. – J.D.


It puts you in a real world situation, to where if you run into somebody you don’t want to shoot, I have the training now to handle them. – As realistic as we can make it. We had role players in part of the training and you saw if the technique worked or not. It works. – Keep Duane coming down to teach us. – M.U.


Outstanding, both in self defense, operational, and home life. – R.L.


Exceptional. Should be incorporated in SQT & platoon workups prior to CQB to ensure good muscle memory. – J.H.


There was a very common sense approach to the training. Nothing fancy, just stuff that works. – D.W.


Great training. Really increases awareness of the immediate threat and provides tools to deal with that threat. – S.F.


Fantastic, enjoyed every minute. – I’m not leaving needing explanations or reviews on any of the training. However, I do have a thirst or desire to gain proficiency in what you have taught. – B.S.


Outstanding. I feel more confident on what I have learned this week using CQD training. – I recommend this class to everybody and make it longer. – D.M.


The best I have ever been through. I hope we will be able to do this more than once or twice a year. Maybe 4 times? – B.C.


Excellent, realistic training that explores entire continuum. No substitute for mixing it up with trained, live “bad guys.” – K.W.


Has made me a better person. I look at everything in a different way. And it has made me a better operator. – D.E.


Overall the week’s training was great. All we need is more time to commit the skills to muscle memory and get rid of old training scars. I am definitely more capable now than I was last week, and that is what counts. – S.W.


It is valuable and pertains to the mission at hand. I think it has great purpose. – T.T.


Outstanding instructor, very motivating. – B.D.


Excellent. I got a lot out of it, especially the hooded box drills. – B.P.


Good base skill level: I was left with the impression that we only scraped the surface of what Duane has to offer with his CQD system. – M.W.


Great! This is the first type of this training I have received. It brings in a realism that cannot be accomplished with paper targets. – J.H.


Very valuable to our line of work. – B.M.


A very well rounded, in depth system with application for every skill level. – V.


Excellent – It’s great to have operationally oriented fighting skills. – J.H.


Smart, efficient and beneficial training to answer some of the “what ifs” you sometimes don’t want to ask. – M.W.


Good to have an escalation of force based on the force your unknown is showing against you and to have the techniques to go to. – J.


Keep the training going on a regular basis. – T.S.


Concept of training to use deadly force only when necessary is excellent. Recommend for all spec war personnel. – F.S.

Great job again Duane. Keep coming to *** team. – J.K.


I admire Mr. Dieter’s willingness to have his techniques fully tested without preparation or staging. – T.S.


Would love to see training continue on a regular basis, building on what we have already learned. – M.


We need to arrange a ******** **** inside of ***** so we can maintain an aggressive and efficient skill level… – J.H.


Great! Good skills to have. For this line of work I feel it’s a must. – A.M.


Excellent. Good use of building blocks starting with basic skills and ending with the Tac-House. – J.R.


The only hand-to-hand I’ve had that we actually went full speed. The box drills were real effective in showing how you actually react. – J.B.


I need more time with this training. – I would like to devote more quality time with Duane and support this training with the Teams. – Command sustainment on CQD. – J.M.


Real total concept, reactive, not rehearsed solid methods. Want more. – J.C.


The best and most applicable defense, etc. for our job. Awesome! – G.F.


Awesome. Changed my mind set about in-close fighting. – L.L.


Excellent. – Wish I would have started earlier in my career. – S.R.


Excellent! It’s obvious that Duane has practical knowledge and experience. – A huge benefit to our operators. – V.V.


Outstanding. – For a one week course this instruction took you from zero training to a level where you can be confident in dealing with threats. – M.W.


It is extremely applicable to our line of work and I learned a great deal. – D.B.


It should be a major push for all ****** (operational) to come through. – B.S.


It was great training that gave me needed confidence in my ability to control myself under stress. – J.S.


Great tactical training. Real world, not competition. – Anonymous


Excellent, most practical I’ve taken so far. – N.F.


Can’t get enough/must make this a “weekly thing” on standby. – W.D.


Love it; wish I was exposed to years earlier. – R.H.


Excellent. From this first week of training, I can see how devastating this fighting system can be. – G.C.


Good, aggressive, practical training with realistic scenarios. – A.L.


Best personal defense and offensive training. – S.W.


Excellent course. The prisoner handling techniques are very effective and definitely apply to our line of work. – C.B.


Excellent training, necessary for this command. – G.


It was awesome training. Well needed because you get to work with real people other than paper targets. – S.T.


Outstanding. Most inclusive prisoner handling course ever. – J.H.


Excellent. The fundamentals that we were taught were something that I will use. – J.R.


Outstanding instruction on Prisoner Control techniques. – M.L.


Great. Best integration of weapons and empty hand. Perfect blend. – B.


The best close quarter, usable skill yet. – S.W.


Excellent training in a short amount of time. Very applicable to our line of work. – C.B.


Excellent, real solid down to real tactics. Best I’ve seen. – C.L.


Outstanding! This is what we all should be doing. – C.H.


Thus far in my spec war career, this is the only hand-to-hand training/CQD I have had. I found it insightful and outstanding. – F.O.


The skills have unlimited applications…Need more training. – Anonymous


I believe it is very critical to have this training when your primary mission is CQB. – D.A.


Good. Definitely needed for prisoner handling techniques in a hostile environment. – M.M.


Excellent step by step on control of prisoners in different levels of force. – S.C.


Outstanding! As always you wish you had a little more time. Scenarios with paint and live role players are invaluable. – J.K.

Like I’ve said before, this is great stuff! All of the stress imposed makes the learning curve skyrocket. – T.B.


Outstanding. The most practical and useful training I’ve had. – S.P.


Hard to say enough good things about what I’ve learned so far. – B.L.


It is extremely beneficial, I can’t say enough about it. It has helped me tremendously. – D.M.


Awesome! Once again this week was full of intense training. My learning curve is getting fast and better with each day under Duane. – S.M.


Outstanding. Some of the best training I have received in the teams to date. – C.S.


I think this is very effective training. I have attended the NSWC ***** 30 day course, and I believe that CQD focuses more on the type of system we need. – G.P.


Impressed with the knowledge of Duane. I want more of this training. – C.G.


Excellent aggressive control of the environment we operate in! – B.G.


Extremely beneficial. Having come out of ********, you really only have the foundation, it was good to refine my moves. – M.G.


Superior! We need more of it! The more we get, the better we’ll be prepared to do our job better. – B.O.


Most realistic/effective close quarters training. – H.


The training is essential if you want to have the best-prepared operators. – J.L.


Outstanding, and more importantly, very applicable. Much more effective than the current ***** system. – T.S.


Each time we have Mr. Dieter train us we raise our awareness level and increase combat skills. – J.L.


Essential to assaulters. Needs to be used (practiced) at all times. – J.L.


Again this training is extremely important. It refines and establishes excellent skills. – N.T.


Excellent, using the skills we learned in different “environments” was beneficial. – K.J.


Outstanding! Duane’s training really takes the operator a level higher – need to have! – M.J.


Great training. Really needed something like this earlier in my career. – W.C.


Excellent. I have been in training situations before where this training would have been well used. – K.J.


The training received was excellent, our combative skill level has been increased, positive COI. – N.T.


Excellent training, everything we learned relates to all operators in many different combat/non-combat situations. It made me more aware of things I never thought of. – T.P.


Outstanding. This is something every SEAL should do and become competent at. – T.E.


Good, no course of this type has used weapons, which is, as demonstrated, crucial to this type of environment. – J.P.


Excellent training for defensive/offensive shooting/weapons control/force discipline. – J.L.


Outstanding training in which all phases pertain to the job we do. – L.M.


Excellent, a must for specialized type training individuals. – S.N.


The hooded box drill was great, I learned more in three minutes than five years of wrestling. – B.R.


Excellent material and practical application to tactical techniques we must utilize. – [Benefit the most] Natural responses and reactions to stressful situations requiring immediate decision making and immediate action to be taken. Box drills and Tac-House were extremely beneficial. – J.W.


The hooded box drill allowed you to see how you would “instantly” react in various scenarios which if you found yourself in the same position at a later time should help you give the appropriate response. I personally benefited from the hands on prisoner control classes and PC Tac-house. – V.


I felt like the box training was most beneficial. If we could get to do the box every day for a week, I think our reaction times to certain threats would be reduced drastically. – M.G.


The hooded box drill was outstanding. Duane hits a very underrated part of fighting – the mental attitude. – S.H.


[Benefit the most] Scenarios with paint and live role players. This is where you put what you’ve learned together with CQB tactics. This is why we do CQD! Nothing like doing it in the house. – J.K.


The box drills are great. The one-on-one fights or prisoner drills really show you what will and won’t work. – Running Box really showed me what I need to work on. The live weapons run was also great, it got me moving and thinking fast. The OPTs are also a great training aid. – T.B.


[Benefit the most] Shooting – I noticed a lot of improvement especially during the house runs. The PC and live-fire boxes were outstanding and real eye openers. – J.T.


I thought all the practical work was a great eye opener. The flow of shooting skills was outstanding. PC training as a whole was great. – C.G.


The CQD grip on the pistol improved my shooting. The shooting with both weapons was also greatly enhanced. – S.W.


The box drill brings to attention the effectiveness of the training. The levels of intensity and various scenarios force you to relax in order to be effective with the strikes. – G.P.


“Prisoner Handling” is very important and not practiced enough. “Box Drills” are real good in creating reaction. Also I liked fighting with your weapons. – P.S.


All aspects of the training improve combat readiness. – M.F.


All portions of the training will benefit me on my performances, from the basic mindset and confidence, to the most advanced training moves. All good. – E.K.


[Benefit the most] The hood, reacting to unknown situations quickly and aggressively made me feel comfortable with my new skills. – Anonymous


[Benefit the most] The pressure drills, hooded box gave confidence and refinement to my technique. – Anonymous


[Benefit the most] Aggressive mindset. Putting away with choreographed crap we’ve done in the past. Most important to me was being realistic in our training, i.e. we are not invincible, know it and prevent injury to yourself. – N.F.


Solid integration between aggressive shooting and CQD techniques. – R.U.


[Benefit the most] The real experience feedback concerning what shooting, striking, and fighting techniques that work and the distinction between “sport” skills and combat skills. – M.B.


[Benefit the most] Vehicle interdiction. This was the first time I learned techniques to remove people from vehicles. – D.A.


Car work was great. Good to see different levels to use. – R.L.


My first time taking people out of vehicles that was good. Also the box was great. And team scenarios today were great. – J.H.


[Benefit the most] Training for those things that you/one assumes they’ll be prepared for and usually never is. But for me, the concentration on being mentally prepared to go from 0 to 100 and back again while remaining effective was a great impact on me. – K.T.


[Benefit the most] Prisoner handling, running and shooting in *** ******** was also an excellent drill. It was a good test of striking and shooting skills from point blank to 150 meters. – S.C.


It’s all invaluable. – B.G.


Bringing the role players in the mix was the most beneficial portion because it proved the tactics work. – W.S.


[Benefit the most] The prisoner handling! The techniques taught are outstanding; they cover many situations and environments, and they work. – B.C.


Duane’s teaching personality and knowledge is very motivating. Psychological training – big check! – J.M.


[Benefit the most] All of it. This is my first course of instruction outside of in house training. I learned a ton every day. I enjoyed the box drills most with the blindfold! – S.F.


Being able to shoot and hit a live opponent is priceless. – M.W.


The box drills were great. Great hands on training in a stressful environment. – Both **** and HMMWV training were excellent. Both were highly beneficial to element. – B.R.


[Benefit the most] All of it. Weapons handling, box drills. I have been in a few stressful situations and reacted fine; this was different and more realistic and it was great training to see how I would react. – T.P.


Since every step builds on the previous one, the whole progression leads to ever-increasing benefit. – T.E.


[Benefit the most] The box, an excellent tool to show me my weaknesses. What you do in stress is, I believe, what you’ll do for real and I still have a ways to go. – J.P.


[Benefit the most] Understanding the stance! And how much it plays a part in what we’re doing, and also how much power you gain from being in that position. – Outstanding COI. Recommend we keep this type of training up at all times just because of missions that we could be tasked with. – E.H.


I want more with all of the training, in order to get better. We need more practical time. – B.K.


It’s been about a year since I’ve done this, and all the techniques were actually still fresh in my mind. – D.C.

I would like to spend more time doing all of it. Explanations and examples were great. – S.G.


The course is run at an extremely comfortable and easy to understand pace. Duane is an excellent teacher. – M.J.


Overall, training is excellent and there is only so much time to train and that time has been utilized to its fullest. – J.L.


This is my first exposure to CQD. I feel this is a necessity NSW wide. – D.W.


The ultra-aggressive high intensity physical contact evolutions drove home the learning points best. The more these evolutions can be exercised…the better. Thanks for a good time and great training. – K.W.


Great system on a basic to advanced level. – B.L.


I thought the scenario training in the house with Simms and pads was extremely realistic and I hope you will incorporate that later on in our training. – J.G.


It was important how you explained the control and when to walk away so it’s not abused during off-duty hours. Well done. – M.S.


The training was excellent. I learned a lot in the short time we had to work with Duane. – I gained the most from the Box Drill. It really [brought] together what we learned. – D.C.


As long as the training continues and advances, we will continue to bring our skill level where it needs to be. – A.M.


I wish I could have gotten this training when I first got into the Teams. – Anonymous


Would like to receive more and more and at an earlier level (like STT or AOT for younger operators). – E.K.


Good training that makes far more sense than ***** or any of the other junk I’ve seen. – R.U.


I would definitely like to have a lot more training at this to get real proficient. Awesome course! – D.I.


We need a lot more of this kind of stuff. – M.E.


This shit is great! The most practical yet! – R.L.


Great training! Need and want more! Thanks Duane. – T.V.


Great training. – Hope to get the long course. – D.V.


Very organized and I felt there was a lot of thought put behind the system that benefits the operator to make him a complete weapons system. Duane, thanks for the motivation. – C.L.


I need to learn this CQD to be a better operator. – D.N.


Tac-House TRPs were good realistic scenarios. Incorporated Team skills with individual training we learned this week. *Excellent job of tailoring TRPs to **** Team mission scenarios. – D.T.


This was a great course, it was by far the best combat fighting course I’ve done. The “Live Box” was great! I hope that I get to continue training with this for years to come. – T.B.


The whole spectrum of what was covered and how they all relate to each other is excellent. It’s made me real motivated to expand and learn more. – J.T.


Hope I can continue to further my CQD training with OPTs and other drills to better my skills. Definitely helps better your operational mindset, with confidence and ability. Duane and the cadre were always motivating and helping us better ourselves. – D.H.


Outstanding course, these skills could truly save your life. Looking forward to more follow on training. – M.F.


This training is excellent and should definitely be sustained throughout training. – K.C.


I can tell that I’ve just scratched the surface and would really love more training. I’m also really impressed with how well this system works in practical applications. – D.M.


The CQD course was well run. The cadre ensured the evolutions were run safely and applied the stress to best the skills. This course by far is the best approach to incorporating shooting, prisoner handling, situational awareness, that I have attended. – B.T.


The FTXs were great. I learned a great deal from them and they were both realistic and fun. I think the way the FTXs were set up and run was good because it created confusion for us in an environment that is new to all of us. Being able to see how you react when you are confused and so much is going on is a real self-test and the lessons learned are not easily forgotten. The box drills were great. I look forward to doing more of them. – Training we have received so far has been excellent. – S.W.


Excellent job by all cadre. The drills and integration of fighting and shooting builds confidence as well as skill and ability. – G.P.


This course has taught me how to use my body and weapons in a combat environment better than any course I have had in the past. – B.T.


I feel that this training is very beneficial and that we need more of it. Having real people in the training scenarios is very beneficial and close to an actual situation. – J.G.


Hope to continue building on the skill that we have received. In my opinion everyone should learn and apply these skills. – D.H.


Would like to continue all levels of training in the future, so it becomes muscle memory. – E.E.


This system really opened my eyes to all the stuff I was taught before that when put to the test didn’t work. – D.M.


Overall excellent course, looking forward to learning more in the future. – K.


Great course. Need more of everything – can’t wait to do it again! – D.G.


It would be great to continue this training and certainly in the elements. Excellent training. – J.B.


Not only does this increase combat awareness, it works in everyday situations; look forward to future lessons. – F.S.


[DDS] I had never been taught any skills like this when I came to the Teams. I think every operator needs a base of skills to work from. – The prisoner handling techniques taught in this course were far easier and more effective than what I had previously learned. – D.C.


*** scenarios were the best tools. Moving from one setup to the next with minimal briefs was an excellent gauge. – E.J.

Some of the best most motivating and realistic training I’ve had. Keep up the good work. Hope to be able to do it again soon. – S.G.


I would love to see guys continually attending a 40 hour course in small #’s for maximum benefits. I’d love to teach my kids CQD. They’d be confident and safe in all situations. Thanks Duane. – K.T.


Great course, would like a longer one. – S.H.


Thank you for the training, it benefits the command. – J.L.


Duane, good job on keeping training applicable. – B.W.


This is the best training I have ever been through concerning prisoner handling. We definitely need more time spent on controlling personnel. – B.O.


I would like to see this training as part of standard cycle training. – T.S.


It is always a joy to watch an instructor teach that has an energy and knowledge as you do. – J.K.


Essential to continue training. We must stay on top of our training. – S.C.


Thanks. I’m a better warrior for it. Additional sustainment training most needed. – T.W.


Would like to do the two-week shooting course. I feel that this would be very beneficial to the men… – R.D.


This course is beneficial to any SEAL exposed to this type of situation. – M.P.


Excellent, excellent COI. Need it sooner in NAVSPECWAR career (Junior pers) i.e. other commands continual learning curve. – N.T.

Great course, hope to keep training and go through another course. – M.W.


Great mental attitude and terrific skill taught. Thanks for the time. – Highly recommended for all of **** Team. Two weeks is the best block out for training. Excellent instruction in all phases. – B.R.


I wish we could do this for more than 7 days. Great training with the ********* i.e. sea state, close quarters, tactics. – N.B.


All of us gain from this training, it gets us all on the same sheet of music and is very realistic. – T.P.


Finally a defense art we can use! It might just save a life some day! – C.E.


Outstanding training! This course/style is the most applicable to our job. – R.B.


Directly relates to the job, from peaceful situations to hostile situations. – B.C.


I believe this is very relative to our work and that we should do more of it. – J.H.


Every aspect of today’s training relates to our work. – V.


Right on! One of the most effective training we do! – W.D.


Brought our skill, knowledge, weapons, fighting to a higher level. – N.T.


Critical near threat and prisoner control prep for real world missions. – T.C.


Very practical/realistic. Includes offensive and defensive skills in close quarter confrontations. – D.T.


Dieter’s CQD was very mission focused. Oriented in every way toward engaging targets in an operational environment. – K.S.

It gives people an offensive attitude needed for close quarters battle and other related skills and techniques needed to carry out the mission. – K.


Direct and indirect application of these techniques are endless. – M.


Allows assaulter effective means to deal with CQB type situations. – J.M.


It seems very applicable. Moving around corners in tight spaces and the need to meet a threat quickly with all potential weapons. – J.P.


Very effective, well instructed. Duane teaches at the level and speed this team should be at! – W.D.


I think the techniques shown us were excellent and practical. FTX’s/Box drills were some of the most realistic training I have received. – R.S.


Very realistic!! If we are the blocking force, we need to know how to control crowds and hostile people. We might have to enter a building and deal with threats in a close quarters situation. – C.E.


Very realistic. I feel I’m much better equipped to handle a variety of close in skills dealing with blocking force and SST. – T.E.


[Enhance operator skills?] Absolutely, really interested [in] learning more on the shooting side of the house. – Outstanding group of Instructors – work well together. – B.S.


The box and prisoner drills were excellent and relate to what we may encounter. – J.H.


It’s as close to realistic reactions that you can get. – J.B.


The techniques were very simple and were designed to be used under stress. – C.D.


Excellent training and very applicable to our basic war fighting skills. – J.L.


I think when we have the opportunity to conduct this type of training, we should. I also believe that we should make it a higher priority. – J.H.


Great, outstanding course. I feel I could use this CQD and come out the winner! – R.M.


Excellent course. I think we should do it each standby. – J.H.


Excellent/training is needed for all assaulters. – J.M.


Assault teams should work with Duane Dieter at least once during standby (and maybe during *******). 2 or 3 members of training/advance training should be well versed in the techniques so that they may incorporate them into SRX/FTXs. – H.H.

Good, this training was comprehensive. It covered all aspects from: the planning, prep, brief, conduct evolution, and clean-up. – S.B.


After receiving courses in **** and ******** this was the most oriented to our job and mission. – T.H.

This is my third time, although a little more CQB orientated than my previous two, it has changed my style of aggressive training 100%. All SEALs need this. – M.J.


Outstanding course of instruction, it is direct and to the point. It’s critical for our operations! – S.L.


Excellent training, especially for people with little CQD experience. – L.V.


Great course. A lot of guys hunger for this type of training. – M.S.


Duane did a great job in a short time. Recommend at least 1 week of instruction per standby. – N.M.


Excellent, hope to continue this training on a regular basis. – J.B.


Excellent! We should do this training at least twice a year prior to taking over standby posture. – B.O.


This training is some of the most valuable a person can receive. This not only builds physical skills, but mental awareness. This can and will be applied consciously and subconsciously. – J.L.


Most effective, wish it were a daily training. – J.M.


Recommend more training with Dieter. – K.S.


A great asset to this command! – N.T.


Excellent/we need him every standby – S.N.


Excellent course, recommend it for everyone here. – H.


Being a ***** instructor, this training was the best training I’ve had, especially with the weapons. – D.G.


I thought it was great. Realistic personnel handling skills for any environment. – K.T.


Outstanding, very useful and practical training. – P.L.


Very effective. The best SEAL COI for self-defense with weapons. – J.H.


Excellent. Invaluable to potential mission scenarios. – S.C.


Recommend initial course be taught before Team In-house CQB training and both to be followed up by additional, advanced course of instruction and field exercise problems. – R.H.


For some, an eye opener. For all, an important part of what we do that should be continued to the highest levels. – J.J.

Best on the planet. – C.C.


[Benefit the most] Prisoner handling – everyone in spec war should have this training! – B.O.


The instruction was suitable for beginners as well as the more advanced. – J.O.


Extremely effective instruction, methods used explanation, demonstration, skills, drills, and practicals. The use of role players makes his instruction great. – J.L.


Prepares the assault team member for real-time combat operations, involving instinctive firing. – Training was conducted under conditions that simulate a stressful environment similar to a live situation. – M.


Prepares you to engage your enemy effectively. – The drills isolated certain skills. When all the skills were put together your overall combat readiness is greatly enhanced. – J.M.


It doesn’t let you get away with faking it, that is good because if the guys don’t fight back or shoot back then you are fooling yourself into thinking you can do something that you can’t. – R.S.


The kill house was great. It incorporated everything we practiced. We really don’t do much with live bodies and it’s definitely different and takes more time when live bodies are in play and you have to deal with them. – A.D.


We need to put a higher priority on this training and start doing it much more. – J.B.


I can’t believe we hadn’t done this sooner! Indispensible! – C.D.


Instruction of CQD was effective, combining “hands on”/”no shoot” methods. It gave assaulters various methods/skills to handle those situations. – Overall, the training was good, I hope to be able to see and hopefully train in these techniques during further training sessions with the CQD principle. Thanks Duane. – T.A.


Very effective. He…sets the scenarios to match real world situations. – Duane is intense and relates well to us. – W.D.

Very effective, excellent drills, excellent demonstrations, motivated instructor, high intensity movement drills given the training area. – K.


Highly effective. Duane taught by instruction, demonstration and practical application. The practical application was especially helpful to cement your skills under stress. – T.E.


Mr. Dieter provided quality instruction that was easy to understand and employ. By describing the various situations in which the different techniques could be employed we had a choice as to which was the most effective. – P.V.


The PC work is invaluable. – S.R.


Very good. I’ve been going to his classes for 5 years now. 1 week every stand-by. – V.


Duane Dieter’s training is very positive to all aspects of warrior training. – Duane’s teaching personality and knowledge is very motivating. Psychological training is a big [one]. – J.M.


It really showed me what I could and would do in very stressful situations. – I am greatly honored to be able to learn these skills. – B.M.


Duane, you’re a great teacher and very positive towards our goals and mission. It is hard to find someone of your nature. Thanks! – T.J.


I think that your training tactics and skill of training is phenomenal and highly recommended to anyone wanting to build tactical skills and personal awareness. – Thanks for the training skills. I honestly can say that I have learned more in your four day course than four years of military training. – F.M.


Great training, I can’t wait to do more! – It will take some time to get rid of some of the bad habits I was taught in the past but I can see myself becoming really good at this. – S.T.


I learned a whole lot in a short amount of time. Definitely one of the best courses I have ever attended. Thank you, Duane! – M.G.


Excellent. Best training I have ever received. – Duane went above the call of duty when he was teaching the class. It was like he was teaching everyone one on one. Thanks Duane! – J.R.


Very useful, I believe I am a better person now just after being here 5 days. – Thanks for everything. You really made a positive impact on me. – A.M.


Outstanding! – [Benefit the most] Every part. Duane put to rest the majority of myths out in the martial art world. Also the self-defense. It is the best. – S.A.


Fantastic, wonderful! As I said, learning from you is like drinking from a fire hose. It is really great for me to learn from and get to know a totally committed person. Thanks! – B.L.


This was by far the most outstanding and beneficial training I have ever received. – Every portion of the training was extremely valuable. – Again, this is the best training I have ever received and can’t wait for the opportunity to do this again. A great course! – B.Q.


Overall opinion was outstanding. It hit on important points that are not normally practiced. – Duane, this was great, I really feel that the training was super especially with respect to the CQB portion… – V.H.

[Benefit the most] Protecting myself with my weapon (not just shooting it.) Having other options in controlling individuals without shooting them… – J.O.


Prisoner handling! Everyone in Spec War should have this training. – B.O.


With having to deal with hotels and tangos in a confined area this training is outstanding. – Totally realistic. To be able to hit a person and move them out of the way in a quick and effective manner. – J.K.


Very good. Duane’s method of delivering his material is right on track with our mission. – I really enjoyed working with Duane and the training was excellent! – W.S.


Have this mandatory for details going away to areas that are hot or even not hot. It is good to have this thrown at you to get you thinking. – R.B.


[Benefit the most] Prisoner control, power point firearm training, sealing, and many more points than can’t be listed here. – T.S.


[Relates to Your Work] Weapons handling relates to all room entries. Prisoner handling is also used in every major exercise we conduct. – R.B.


[Relate to your work?] Weapon retention, dealing with unknowns, both aggressive and passive, appropriate use of force. – I believe the skills are very realistic and are simple enough without needing to train at it four hours a day. – N.M.


My opinion is that it is the most effective type of training in the subject I’ve seen. Instruction method is actual application (physical). – Very effective. Mr. Dieter is willing to try any technique at full speed to validate his techniques. Training is very physical yet Mr. Dieter does not abuse the students. – T.S.


[Benefit the most] Incorporating weapons into the training and teaching how to fight with weapons and gear on. – K.S.

Hands on training with life like situation turn my awareness up a couple of notches as what to expect in a CQB situation or every day. – R.R.


It was effective. It gave the group more tools and awareness to deal with close quarter situations and prisoner handling. It also gave a group baseline to work on. The positive point is that it was a structural course to develop the group baseline, not some other off the cuff training. – J.H.


It was very effective in taking away bad habits. Shows how you really would react should you be put into a situation. – P.S.


Excellent hands on instruction at the same intensity as for real, and decisions have to be made in seconds, so pressure is on to perform correctly. – Excellent. Good techniques added with good instruction for as close to real circumstances as you can get. – Anonymous


CQD gives you tools to prioritize and start solving problems fast in any situation or part of training. – The cadre make this course what it is. The depth of knowledge, intensity, ability to articulate and critique that [Instructors] and the East Coast guys is the best in the teams. After 3 platoons, no other course of instruction comes close to the professionalism, unity of purpose and instruction and usefulness those guys offer. – I think all team guys should regularly be put through these scenarios to make you maintain an aggressive approach. – The thing that sets these guys and this course apart from all others is that they are all on the same sheet of music. You can tell how much time and effort gets put into their lessons, demonstrations and teaching methods. They have no attitudes and you can tell they want nothing more than for you to know everything they know, take it into the field, employ it – R.M.


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